NAV Navbar
  • Introduction
  • Plugins
  • Example App
  • Dependencies
  • Installation
  • Configuration
  • Tutorial: Event
  • Tutorial: Task
  • Tutorial: Timed Job (Cron)
  • API: Endpoints
  • API: Controllers
  • API: Crons
  • API: Events
  • API: Models
  • API: Services
  • API: Tasks
  • Errors
  • Introduction

    Welcome to the Proxy Engine Docs! Proxy Engine is an Open Source Node.js Framework created by the team at Cali Style Technologies.

    What is Proxy Engine?

    Proxy Engine is a modern backend scaffold for node applications built on the flexibility and speed of trails.js which means extending it is easy and intuitive.

    Proxy Engine acts as an event management engine for a highly scalable and expandable architecture. It's "event protocol" allows for "plugins" to be easily implemented or ripped out to lighten the burden on development costs without sacrificing ease of use and scalability.

    4 Core Features

    The goals of Proxy Engine is to be a free form scaffold that focuses on modern enterprise grade applications and testability. Each of these Core Features can be managed via a Worker Profile, allowing you to easily create micro services, or worker instances of your app.

    Proxy Engine marshals 4 Core Features:


    Events are either emitted or consumed, if an event handler fails, it can retired based on "retry rules". In short: - Publish - Subscribe - Retry

    A single Published Event can be consumed by an infinite amount of Subscribers. Subscribers that fail can have an infinite amount of Retries. This can be handy for fixing a bug post morten or if a 3rd party service is unavailable. Events are optionally stored in a database as a "Recorded History". Any event that fails is automatically stored, as well as any retry attempts.


    Tasks are long running scripts that are processed in a que. For example: processing a video or crunching a large data set. Tasks can publish events, but not consume them. However, an event can trigger the creation of a new task.

    Timed Jobs (Cron Jobs)

    Timed Jobs are scrips that process at specific times. For example, once an hour, every day at noon, every 3rd wednesday of a month, etc. Timed Jobs can publish events, but not consume them. However, an event can enable or disable a Timed Job. Under the hood, Proxy Engine uses Node Schedule to define when the jobs will be run.

    Error Management

    Error Management is one of the most important things to remember in development, especially for Node.js applications. Under the hood, Proxy Engine uses Boom to define errors throughout the APIs.


    Plugins are actually Trails.js "Trailpacks" that are built specifically for Proxy Engine. However, since a Proxy Engine app is at it's core a Trails App, an extensive amount of trailpacks can easily be used.

    Currently in the Proxy Engine ecosystem and actively maintained by Cali Style:

    Example App

    We created a boiler plate to get you started Proxy Engine Example


    Supported ORMs

    Repo Build Status (edge)
    trailpack-proxy-sequelize Build status

    Supported Webserver

    Repo Build Status (edge)
    trailpack-express Build status


    To install Proxy Engine:

    $ npm install trailpack-proxy-engine

    If you are using Trail's yo generator:

    $ yo trails:trailpack trailpack-proxy-engine


    To configure Proxy Engine is simple, there are only 2 files to create/modify:



    module.exports = {
      packs: [
        // ... other trailpacks
        // ... other proxy-packs

    Like all Trails' trailpacks, it must be included in the config/main.js file.



    module.exports = {
      // If the app is in live mode
      live_mode: true,
      // If every event should be saved automatically
      auto_save: false,
      // The worker env profile for this app
      profile: 'testProfile',
      // Configure Cron Jobs
      crons_config: {
        // If a Cron class has a 'schedule' method, automatically call it on config.
        auto_schedule: true,
        // Delay when cron jobs are allowed to start being processed in seconds
        uptime_delay: 180,
        // The profiles that are able to run specified crons
        profiles: {
          // If the worker matches `testProfile`, then it's crons can run
          testProfile:  ['onTestCron.test'],
          // If the worker matches `otherProfile`, then it's crons can run
          otherProfile: ['otherTestCron.test']
      // Configure Events
      events_config: {
        // if the Event class has a 'subscribe' method, automatically call it during config.
        auto_subscribe: true,
        // The profiles that are able to run specified events
        profiles: {
          // If the worker matches `testProfile`, then it's events can run
          testProfile:  ['onTestEvent.test'],
          // If the worker matches `otherProfile`, then it's events can run
          otherProfile: ['otherTestEvent.test']
      // Configure Tasks
      tasks_config: {
        // The profiles that are able to run specified tasks
        profiles: {
          // If the worker matches `testProfile`, then it's tasks can run
          testProfile: ['TestTask'],
          // If the worker matches `otherProfile`, then it's tasks can run
          otherProfile: ['OtherTestTask']

    Also, Proxy Engine takes it's own config in the config/proxyEngine.js file.

    Config Parameters

    Parameter Type Default Description
    live_mode Boolean false If the app is in live mode
    auto_save Boolean false If every Event should be saved
    profile String null The name of this App Instance's profile
    crons_config Object {} The configuration of the Timed Jobs (Cron Jobs)
    events_config Object {} The configuration of the Events
    tasks_config Object {} The configuration of Tasks.

    Tutorial: Event

    Proxy Engine events are contained into two base categories: Instance, Global.

    Events should always return a promise and resolve (succeed) and return a value or they should reject (throw an error) which will trigger a retry on the burn down schedule.

    Instance Events

    Instance Events are events that only a single instance in a cluster must deal with. The overwhelming majority of events fall into this category. Mostly, database events, service events etc.

    Global Events (TODO)

    Global Events are events that every instance in a cluster must respond to. Very few events fall into this category. Mostly, global settings changes, plugin updates, notifications, etc. This requires redis.

    Events make it easy to extend functionality without having to edit or change the core of any Proxy Engine Module.

    Subscribing to Events

    Subscribe takes three arguments:

    Argument Type Default Description
    callAgainLocation String NONE The location of the Callback function in dot notation eg. onCustomer.created. This is used when the first try of the event fails.
    eventName String NONE The name of the event to subscribe to eg. customer.created
    func Function NONE The function to execute when this event happens.

    Automatically Subscribing From Profile

    Example Profile Config: app/config/proxyEngine.js

    module.exports = {
      // ... other configuration
      profile: 'testProfile',
      events_config: {
        profiles: {
          testProfile: [
          otherProfile: [

    Alternatively, you can let your profile decide what events it will subscribe to:

    Subscribing from a Service

    Subscribe to an Event from a Service

    // From some service in your app
    const ProxyEngineService =
    // Create a token that you can use later.
    const token = ProxyEngineService.subscribe('callAgainLocation', 'eventName', callback)

    Also Alternatively, you can subscribe to an event in a service.

    Unsubscribe from an Event

    Unsubscribe to an Event from a Service

    // continued from above

    Once subscribed, to unsubscribe just call the unsubscribe method using the token it was created with.

    Creating Event functions

    Create events in the /api/events directory.


    Example: api/events/onTestEvent.js

    const Event = require('trailpack-proxy-engine').Event
    module.exports = class onTestEvent extends Event {
      // Subscribe Method is called during the Configuration of the trailpack, regardless of worker profile.
      subscribe() {'onTestEvent.test','test', this.test)'onTestEvent.test2','test2', this.test2)
      test(msg, data, options) {
        // This function will be run when a `test` event is published
        return Promise.resolve()
      test2(msg, data, options) {
        // This function will be run when a `test2` event is published
        return Promise.reject()

    The subscribe() method method has reserved functionality and is intended to automatically subscribe instances regardless of their worker profile.
    This functionality can be disabled by setting config.proxyEngine.events_config.auto_subscribe to false.

    It's possible to have an instance level cron job gather information from a remote site and change the instance by publishing and event that it is automatically subscribed to.

    Tutorial: Task

    While event functions respond to events, tasks initiate functions allowed on a specific worker. A common use of a task is a micro-service or a worker environment for example, processing video or any other significant process that should be segregated out to a more adapt worker environment.

    Creating Task functions

    Create tasks in the /api/tasks directory.


    Tutorial: Timed Job (Cron)

    Creating a Cron

    Create cron jobs in the /api/crons directory. Cron Jobs use node-schedule and are configured per worker profile.

    Using the uptime_delay in the crons_config can also allow you to delay when cron jobs start to be scheduled. This is useful for when you have an app instance that starts while another is gracefully being shut down.

    Schedule Method

    Example: api/crons/onTestCron.js

    module.exports = class onTestCron extends Cron {
      // Schedule Method is called during the Configuration of the trailpack
      // Schedule method is reserved to automatically do something regardless of profile.
      schedule() {
      test() {
        console.log('I have been scheduled')
        const j = this.scheduler.scheduleJob('42 * * * *', () => {
          console.log('The answer to life, the universe, and everything!')

    The schedule() method has reserved functionality and is intended to automatically schedule other tasks regardless of worker profile. This is useful for cron jobs that do instance level maintenance. It is not recommended to be used for cron jobs that perform global operations.

    This feature can be disabled by setting config.proxyEngine.crons_config.auto_schedule to false.

    API: Endpoints

        method: ['GET'],
        path: '/events',
        handler: 'EventController.findAll',
        config: {
          validate: {
            query: {
              offset: joi.number(),
              limit: joi.number(),
              where: joi.object(),
              sort: joi.array().items(joi.array()),
          app: {
            proxyRouter: {
              ignore: true
            proxyPermissions: {
              resource_name: 'apiGetEventsRoute',
              roles: ['admin']
        method: ['POST'],
        path: '/event',
        handler: 'EventController.create',
        config: {
          app: {
            proxyRouter: {
              ignore: true
            proxyPermissions: {
              resource_name: 'apiPostEventRoute',
              roles: ['admin']
        method: ['GET'],
        path: '/event/:id',
        handler: 'EventController.findOne',
        config: {
          validate: {
            params: {
              id: joi.string().required()
          app: {
            proxyRouter: {
              ignore: true
            proxyPermissions: {
              resource_name: 'apiGetEventIdRoute',
              roles: ['admin']

    GET /events

    Get a list of Events

    Parameter Type Description
    offset Integer The offset of records
    limit Integer The limit of records to return
    where Object The criteria for records to match
    sort Array Sequelize order for records to be returned

    POST /event

    Create a new Event.

    Parameter Type Description

    GET /event/:id

    Get an Event by ID

    Parameter Type Description
    id Integer The ID of the event

    API: Controllers


    API: Crons

    Example api/crons/index.js

    API: Events

    Example api/events/index.js

    exports.myEvent = require('./myEvent')

    Create new Event handlers in the api/events directory

    API: Models


    Attribute Type Default Description


    Attribute Type Default Description

    API: Services


    API: Tasks


    The Proxy Engine API uses the following error codes:

    Error Code Meaning
    400 Bad Request -- Your request sucks.
    401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong.
    403 Forbidden -- The requested is hidden for administrators only.
    404 Not Found -- The specified could not be found.
    405 Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access a kitten with an invalid method.
    406 Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't json.
    410 Gone -- The requested has been removed from our servers.
    418 I'm a teapot.
    429 Too Many Requests -- You're requesting too often! Slow down!
    500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
    503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.